You're My Man- My, what a quick song. It doesn't follow the typical: Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Chorus form, no. I hear, and correct me if I'm wrong, a Verse-Verse-Bridge-Verse-Verse-Bridge... kinda' unique. It was written by a man, Billy Arr, so that accounts for... awe hell, I don't have anything smarmy or negative. This is a cute song and I'm finding it hard to scoff. Maybe the lyric, "Together we're a team that's just unbendable". I like to bend with my girl.
I'm Gonna Write A Song- She writes this song with the intent for the whole world to sing. But is has the line, "We need more soul saving and a lot more people flag waving" which narrows this song down to America, and America only. Where was this song during the 911 flag-waving that went on? I don't like this song because Anderson's beliefs differ from mine, plus I guarantee that she voted for George Bush Jr. and is a hardcore, right-wing only republican. Behaving like that, Anderson, is not the way to make the world a better place. Give us something better than this, because America does deserve more than what you give. I bet you mainly provide us with glue. Equestrian or not, I bet you don't bat an eye and do sell the meat @ $15 a lb.
Notice the cool, time additions- 10 sec. intro. That is helpful for the budding DJ's that want to skip the second song and ultra-useful for queuing up the first song!