Monday, February 14, 2011

#26 Paula Abdul

So, it comes to a pop star and former dancer for the Lakers, huh? Well, I remeber her pasted all over MTV and know these songs and really am left with just an, "Oh, yeah" sort of feeling. I don't hate her, but I love the review below.
"Abdul's singles were hits not because her singing was exceptional -- her voice is thin and transparent -- but because she worked with savvy producers who had a knack for picking songs with solid pop and dance hooks. Abdul's spectacular big-budget videos helped push the sales of Forever Your Girl past seven million in the U.S. alone. While her second album, 1991's Spellbound, wasn't as successful, it still sold over three million copies and spent two weeks at number one." -Stephen Thomas Erlewine
"Blowing Kisses in the Wind" is just the type of vapid pop that was bountiful in the 90's. Looking at the single, I can see that she did not write either of these songs. They were written by Peter Lord. Should we blame him for writing under the guise of a choreographing woman, no. Money is money, and it made Paula go crazy, as is evidenced by her performance and behavior on American Idol. Although, the strings are really pretty on the song, they just hide out for the end of this song. Too bad, so sad.
"Spellbound". This live version cannot bring it to life. It looks visually interesting, but how many times have you closed your eyes at a concert and opened them quickly for fear of falling asleep? The song is boring.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Updates to return.

So I broke my stylus and felt horrible about doing so. Instead of listening to the singles, I alphabetized them and am starting over with the letter A. When I come upon a large group of Country and Western, I'll lump them together and be super brief. Also, I will post videos and links to these artists and their music so you know what I am hearing. See you soon.